FarmVille 2 trainer mega cheats update, free download, no password, no survey and 100% work watch video for proof. Easily your FarmVille 2 games on facebook with using free FarmVille 2 mega trainer. You must watch video tutorial carefully, because to operate this trainer more difficult than my trainer.
FarmVille 2 Mega Trainer was made by XsonicX, not by me. So, I’m not responsible with your account, using this trainer is your own risk and if this trainer not work please cantact him, you can contact him via her website fv2xsonicx2016.tk.
Fetures of FarmVille 2 Trainer Mega Cheats Update:
- Transforme 1 Cash in 10000 Temporary cash- Buy all the ingredients in kitchen, buy all you want and buy all the expansions.
- Make all consumables items cost Coins. – Buy all by coins or free.
- Make all items cost Coins. – Buy all by coins or free.
- Produce x100 – Produce all x100.
- Make instant redeem, Buildings build without parts.
- Always has water and power, just put on, and off when full. Just remember to put off before planting. Or Hoops Daisy will show.
- Put a Free Manor House and sell it for 8.000.000 coins. – Enable, Open Market and find “Manor” put on farm and sell.
- Win 300,000 xp for putting hay wagon Free or Pool on farm and level up. – Enable, Open Market, find “Wagon” or “Pool” place on farm and level up(max.100).
- Harvest instant chicken coop, wells and furnace. – Enable this and Harvest , Harvest.
- Ask’s and Post’s will be ready in 5 minute for quests. – Enable, Send all gifts to your friends and Post´s.
- Harvest 1 Crop and others 300 times. – Harvest 1 crop and give 300 to feed your animals. Feed your animals and get multiple itens get Blue Mastery too.
- Remove all Rocks and Wood. – Tired for asking peace’s to remove all Rocks, just put On visit a neighbour and Go home.
- New Water 300 Pack – Enable and go to inventory and search Water30 and use. If you don´t have just enable first Cash to coins and buy.
- Will have 4690 codes in list, change to what you want to have.Copy codes same number and change it.
- AoB Replacer just put the codes and replace.
Tools Required For FarmVille 2 Trainer Mega Cheats Update:
Cheat Engine Freeware (recommended download and install cheat engine latest version):Get Cheat Engine Latest Version
FarmVille 2 Trainer Version 5.2 (free download, no password and no survey):
Get Free Trainer Fv2-XsonicX-5.2
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